CROSS is a project funded by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, selected out of 350 EU applications under the “Collaborative Partnership” call within the Erasmus+ Sport Programme. With a grant of 398,125.60 euros, the project creates a network, led by the Italian Sport Association Calciosociale, in 5 member countries involving:
- Tor Vergata University (Italy)
- College of West Anglia (United Kingdom)
- Stockle Sport&Care (Germania)
- Debreceni Honved SE (Hungary)
- SC Levski (Bulgaria)
By applying the methodology of Socialsoccer, C.R.O.S.S. aims to promote a new vision of football and sport, made of cooperation and tolerance: changing the rules of football to re-discuss the rules of the world.

Project Numbers
selected participants
calciosociale football teams
events in schools from partner countries
and again

Project facts:
- 5 local tournaments to be played in Bulgaria, Hungary, United Kingdom, France and Italy simultaneously
- 1 scientific pubblication
- 2 international scientific seminars
- 1 international communication campaign
- 5 local workshops: #Beactive #Beinclusive
- 7 days’ activity at Campo dei Miracoli called “Social Inclusion Days”